This is my "First Stunt Pogo Movie". I apualigize, for the editing
(first exsepence with Movie Maker) This video was shot Easter Day 2004 so I am not at my best potential.
Styx - Mr. Roboto
Billy Talent - The Ex
John Williams - Raiders March

Second Stunt Pogo Video. Doing some fun tricks with some fun music
around my house.
O-Zone - Dragostea Din Tei

Alex Dunbar's Third Stunt Pogo Video of him bouncing on the motostik.
Blink 182 - Dammit

Alex Dunbar's Fourth Stunt Pogo Video. Made in all one day. Mainly
just testing out his new camera.
Goldfinger - Spokesman

Alex Dunbar's Shockhom Sydrome Stunt Pogo video. This one
features the Motostik, couple shots of the Pogo Roo, and Homoicidal Pogo's new modded moon stick. Good Spots in this
Blink 182 - Shockholm Sydrome

Alex Dunbar - Stupied Seurcity Gaurd
During filming of the "Shockholm Sydrome Video" I was pogoing at a
spot trying to jump from one platform to another and this seurcity gaurd came up being very rude. Since I was filming the
gap I caught the whole thing on tape for you all to see.

Alex Dunbar Sixth Stunt Pogo Video. Using the Moon Stick and a Broken
Moto Stik. Filmed mostly in Spetember.
AFI - Seasons are Dead
Link Coming Soon. |

Heres an Updated Verison of a Motostik video, with some some-what decent
footage on the stick for their site. Not to great of a video.
The Enemies - Palm of my hand

Alex Dunbar's Winter Debut. Knowing winter, and his broken motostik.
Its hard getting good footage. But still tring. Used a bit of the Fisheye lens. Get ready for a great summer video with my
soon to come Gravity Games Pogo Stick!
Green Day - Letterbomb